What is Customer Training (And Why You Should Do It)

Written by SeekLMS Correspondent on 17 August 2021

If your business offers complex services or products, it is safe to assume that your customers will need some amount of guidance on how to best use your offerings so they can achieve what you’ve promised to deliver. That’s where customer training comes in. Here’s a quick look at what customer training is and what its benefits are. 

What is Customer Training?

Customer training essentially supports your customers with the information and materials they need to successfully use your products and services. Most businesses choose to offer the learning materials through a custom learning management system in a self-paced, guided, or combination format, based on which mode of learning your customer base best responds to. 

How Does Customer Training Help?

Customer training is important because it can help improve business outcomes for your customers and that is a great way to increase customer retention -- something many businesses struggle with frequently. Not only do customer training programs help increase customer loyalty but it also helps them start seeing results a lot sooner, which is truly a win-win. 

What’s more, by providing a superior customer training experience, you can ensure that your clients become brand advocates and market your company and products to their network. 

What Are the Benefits of Customer Training Using an LMS?

1. Increased revenue: Great customer training helps increase revenue to your business both directly and indirectly. When it is executed in the right manner, the value offered by customer training cannot be overstated, given that it provides a more positive experience for your customers and helps increase customer loyalty. This translates to better revenue since happy customers are more likely to choose your offering over and over again. 

2. Decreased costs: Did you know that the cost to acquire a new client or customer can be as much as 5 to 25 times more expensive in comparison to retaining a customer you already have. Providing great customer training increases customer retention, thereby reducing costs. 

3. Improved productivity: When offered with the latest and best LMS technology, customer experience training can increase productivity. For instance, if a new product update has been released, customer training can ensure a more incident-free and smooth rollout. 

4. Intuitive user interface: A good LMS will have an intuitive user interface that doesn’t feel like an outdated course catalog. Instead, it will be modern and easy to navigate and make it easy for your customers to pick up key skills and knowledge through the training modules that are offered on the LMS. If you’re looking to deploy an LMS for customer training, remember to check just how user-friendly the platform is before you sign up or pay for it so your customers have an easy time using it. 

5. Dynamic learning capabilities: While you can choose to educate your customers on your products or services by handing over a bunch of documents and pamphlets, it’s important to remember that this is typically not how modern users learn anymore. Instead, customer training through an efficient LMS, like SeekLMS, offers seamless learning that is informative, while also being dynamic and engaging. 

6. Gamification: One of the key advantages of offering customer training through an LMS is that it becomes easy to incentivize your customers to complete training courses by offering rewards, like badges, trophies, and points, to recognize their achievements. This can spark a bit of a healthy competitive spirit among your customers, making them want to use your training courses on the LMS more often. What’s more, not only do such gamification features improve customer engagement, it also encourages customers to share their progress on social media, which can work as a marketing tool for your business. 

7. Advanced analytics: Modern-day LMSs offer advanced analytics that can help you determine exactly what effect your training course has on your customers and business objectives. You can use this data to make modifications to your training programs. 

How Can SeekLMS Help You Implement Customer Training?

Now that you know that offering effective customer training is the best way to stand apart from your competitors and have your customers coming back to you, the next step is to choose a reputable LMS for customer training. 

Fortunately, you can rely on SeekLMS, which is the best LMS for customer training, to offer exceptional customer training. We help facilitate communication between you and your customer by providing an easy-to-use platform where you can continuously update and manage content with great ease. You can also access customized solutions that help reduce your operational costs -- and the best part is that you don’t have to be worried about hidden charges. 

We’re sure you’ll love using SeekLMS. Register here to start your free 15-day trial!

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